
The GALE Right to Education Monitor has been done in Belgium.
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Score on the GALE Checklist

ItemForbiddenDiscouragedNo policyEncouragedSupportedNo dataComment
1. Full access to schools?    x no comments
2. Freedom of self expression?   x  no comments
3. Protection against bullying?   x  no comments
4. No drop-out?   x  no comments
5. Equal performance?   x  no comments
6. Is there public information?   x  no comments
7. Attention in school resources?   x  no comments
8. Resources for LGBT students?    x no comments
9. Support services open to LGBT?    x no comments
10. Peer-learning opportunities?   x  no comments
11. Is staff supportive?    x no comments
12. Is staff competent to teach?  x   no comments
13. Is staff competent to support?   x  no comments
14. Supportive school environment?  x   no comments
15. Employment protection for staff?    x no comments

The score is 0% forbidden (denying), 13% discouraged or no policy (ambiguous), 87% encouraged or supportive (supportive). We score this country therefore as supportive.
This report is based on one respondent, who based the results on the Belgium report on education 2012.

Score on the GALE Checklist for Wallonia

ItemForbiddenDiscouragedNo policyEncouragedSupportedNo dataComment
1. Full access to schools?    x no comments
2. Freedom of self expression?    x DESPOGI are well accepted in theory... But in practice, there are some differences between schools. In some ones, DESPOGI can express themselves and be 'activist' (to fight against discrimination) bcs there is a will of the scholl. But, in somes schools, this is more complicated for DESPOGI to come out. At the law level, there is no discrimination between DESPOGI ppl at school.
3. Protection against bullying?    x Yes, there are laws in belgium which fights against discrimination and harasment. But we dont have a lot of informations about this reality at school.
4. No drop-out?  x   It is clear that in Wallonia we need a policy to support DESPOGI students. In practice, once again, the support depends on the school policy, not state.
5. Equal performance?    x In Wallonia, the school's goals are, between others: the promotion of equal level of academic performance for everyone; the social advancement;..
6. Is there public information?    x Yes, but not enough... Even for teenagers: there is a new law according to which every student have to be informed about sexuality (not sexual diversity in particular, but we propose our workshops in this surrounding).
7. Attention in school resources?   x  there is a governmental initiative (workshop about sexuality for every students) but the organisation depends on the willing of the schools... They are totally independent.
8. Resources for LGBT students?   x  it exists centers where they can find informations about sexuality... but workers in these centers aren't, all the time, informed about LGBT.
9. Support services open to LGBT?    x no comments
10. Peer-learning opportunities?   x  somes schools organise actions in this way (diversity comitee,...) but there is no clear policy.
11. Is staff supportive?   x  no comments
12. Is staff competent to teach?  x   No. But in our organisation, we promote conferences for teachers and school staffs to be informed about LGBT.
13. Is staff competent to support?  x   no comments
14. Supportive school environment?   x  no comments
15. Employment protection for staff?    x in Belgium, there are anti-discrimination laws.

The score is 0% forbidden (denying), 20% discouraged or no policy (ambiguous), 80% encouraged or supportive (supportive). We score this country therefore as supportive.
This report is based on one respondent, who filled out the checklist in November 2013.

Relevant Conventions

Convention against Discrimination in Educationnot signed




Convention on Technical and Vocational Educationnot signed




International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights

not signed




Convention on the Rights of the Child

not signed




Convention on the Elimination of Discrimination Against Women

not signed




Links to interesting articles

Coming soon


This page was last updated on 8 March 2013.