Due to the transfer of our website to a new system, our database is temporary unavailable.
For now we offer a list with our own resources you may find interesting.
- GALE European report 2017: country by country reviews of the implementation of the right to education for DESPOGI/LGBTI
- GALE Committee Guide: a guide for NGOs on how to develop high impact activist strategies
- Advocate for sexual diversity education: a guide on how to assess the level of State support for LGBTI education policy
- GALE Monitor Guide: a more elaborate version of the advocacy guide, with many legal references
- Gay OK Youth Teams Manual
- GALE toolkit on how to work with schools: guide for school consultants and teachers
- ARES project files: suggestions on how to use film to combat homophobia and transphobia
- Voice OUT project files: these project files include the "Volice OUT toolkit" which is a guide for a 6-12 weeks interactive secondary school program, with lots of classroom activities
- Different in more ways than one: a guide to classroom activities and student counseling, divided in thematic sections