GALE calls to help improve new strategic education guide

24 November 2016 - GALE calls activists on LGBTI education to help improve a new guide for LGBT education strategy. They can help by reading the guide, fill in a short survey. Some experts will also be asked if they are willing to be interviewed during one hour. The improved guide will be published in May 2017.

Call to proofread

We call LGBTI activists who work on education to help proof-read the draft guide. The guide can be downloaded here.
Our intern Youssuf Abdelnour will be carrying out the pretesting research.
After reading or browsing through the guide, we would like to invite you to take a short survey: The survey will be online until early January.
Youssuf will also Skype-interview some experts from different regions and with different backgrounds. This interview will take about an hour. If you are willing to be interviewed, please mail Youssuf speaks English and Spanish.

Based on strategic workshops and training experience

The draft guide is based on 10 years with strategic workshops on LGBTI education strategy and peer/teacher training in a range of countries across the world. The key message of the guide is that steadily building a cooperation between LGBTI organizations, the education sector and the government is essential to make effort to make the education system safe and equitable in a more effective way. Of course, how to do this and where to start depends on whether States or local education regions are denying, ambiguous or supportive and on a range of other local factors. The guide attempts to capture this and suggest way to act more strategically for more impact.