Meeting secretariat WGIC 16 August 2007

Old action list

  • Peter updated the UNESCO application form with his comments.
  • The EU Strategy Plan is updated and send out to EU organizations.
  • Peter went to the ILGA strategy meeting in Sofia on July 7. He got the suggestion to mail OSCE and the DG’s of the EC.
  • Peter asked Belén and other for editors. An international translation group under the guidance of Stéphanie Lange (Brussels) is in the making. In Lima, Julio Rodriguez Morón (non professional) is working on Spanish translations.


Peter makes a list of things to explore to be able to ask UNESCO for concrete collaboration. For this, the Draft Strategy 2008-2013 of UNESCO needs to be analyzed better and other documents mentioned there need to be studied.
We postpone the application a bit further to December or January, in order to be able to show a number of members and reports of international meetings.

Strategy Europe

The EU Strategy Plan needs another update with a paragraph on what to do without funding. The general idea would be to create a small group of volunteer ambassadors in each country, who could be responsible for a country page on, listing educational opportunities, good practices and news. They could link with the local ILGA members or with LGBT (friendly) people in educational institutions. If possible, we could organize a periodic meeting of these representatives.
There has been no reply to the e-mails of May. We will send formal letters with the final plan.
We need to document our actions better. Peter makes a Europe page on which we can do that.


A recruiting leaflet (PDF) has been developed. Björn suggested Manuel Luis Pinto as Brussels Officer.

Public Relations

The design of the newsletters GALE Update and LGBT Education are ready for use. The first issue of LGBT Education is almost ready. Peter asked HIVOS for an international PR list.


Peter heard from an Outgames board member that they accepted the offer of GALE to organize WICAPI. There is no formal reply yet.
The general idea Peter currently has is that WICAPI should be a format, which local LGBT organizations can fill in with their own text and images. The campaign could provide suggestions, photo camera’s, a general design format and cheap ways or designing and printing materials or to build a website. If such a format is feasible and how materials could be used and distributed, is a question which needs to be researched.

FILAD Contract

There is 4.000 on the budget for FILAD (Wim). Wim will write a tender for:
An overview of LGBT friendly funds (to be published on the extranet), among others: SKAN, Rausing Trust
Development of funding proposals (options: maybe Asian Good Practice Collection, African Manual, European projects, maybe a transgender project).
A possible transgender project could consist of developing a background reader for professionals, a training manual and (in combination with the Dutch initiative) a brochure for schools.

Action list

  1. Peter checks Radhika of TARSHI on interest for Asian Good Practice Collection project with funding from Asteraea
  2. Peter makes appointment with Wim and Paul, to discuss views, networks, roles, task division, funds
  3. Peter sends Wim digital copy and software translation of Registration Act
  4. Wim edits Registration Act in English
  5. Wim will ask Kamil as author/editor
  6. Wim asks Luc as editor
  7. Peter adapts recruiting leaflet and volunteer description for Brussels Officer
  8. Wim asks Manuel Luis Pinto as Brussels Officer
  9. Peter makes a Europe area on the website to document our progress
  10. Wim inquires for interest with the OSCE Commissioner for Minorities (in The Hague)
  11. Wim checks contact Afghanistan
  12. Peter resends mails about GALE Europe as formal letter to EU institutions
  13. Peter inquires after WICAPI
  14. Peter writes a short summary of the WICAPI format to give Wim an idea for fund raising