Assess homophobia and transphobia in schools

After this workshop you have access to a complete set of tailored tools to research homophobia and transphobia in your country and will you deliver a full report

Date and location

7-10 October 2014 (indicative), Amsterdam

What is it about?

This training is a workshop which completely supports you to prepare and implement a research strategy to assess school safety, human rights and homophobia and transphobia in one or more schools in your country. You will develop your own research tool(s) and after the workshops your report will be almost ready for publication.

For who?

The workshop is tailored to human rights activists with little or no knowledge of research, but who need to do research to support their advocacy strategy. It can also be useful to teachers or other school staff who are interested in measuring their school safety and levels of homophobia, sexism, racism, and so on. Because the workshop aims to provide you with ready tools that are tailored to your specific context, the implementation of the research will cost you a minimum of time. So this workshop is well suited for people with time constraints.

What is the program?

This is a 4-day program. First we will explore your research focus, the accessible respondent groups and offer you format of usable questions. You will make an online survey and/or an interview guide and a briefing for a short desktop study. When home, you recruit respondents, carry out interviews or train others to do so, and/or (coach others) do some desktop research. During another session we will analyze the results, make a draft of the research report and explore ways of publishing it with a maximum impact.

What will you learn?

You will learn to prioritize your research needs, to assess which type of research can be done in your context and with your resources. You will learn which questions are useful to ask and which type of questions will not yield useful information. You will learn how to construct a survey and put it online. You will also learn how to develop interview instructions and train volunteers to carry out and document the interviews. Finally you will learn how to write and publish your report in such a way that it attracts maximum attention.

How does this link into the Erasmus+ priorities?

  1. The course will support learners to acquire the knowledge and skills how to do research into social obstacles with respect to equity and social inclusion and to acquire the attitude to apply this competence directly in their advocacy and/or educational work.
  2. The course will support the professional development of human right activists and school staff as how to assess the needs of their environment or organization regarding strategies that are needed for improvement of equality and inclusion.
  3. The course will enhance the participants competence in English as they have to study the scope and impact of questions and discourses for their research.
  4. The course will raise the participants awareness of other countries and subcultures situation regarding human rights and sexual diversity and make them learn about the transnational differences and similarities, which will strengthen European cooperation and a sense of European citizenship and identity.
  5. The course will reinforce for the participants how formal, non-formal education and social obstacles regarding equity and inclusion are interconnected and how this interrelationship can be assessed and used for advocacy strategies.

How will it build your organization's capacities?

As an effective mapping of the social state of affairs is a precondition for developing effective change strategies, this course will empower your organization to assess the social area more quickly and effectively. By the time of implementation and follow-up, your organizational collective knowledge and expertise will have integrated new research tools, knowledge how to apply them and interpretative skills regarding the situation of human rights, homophobia and transphobia in your environment. By this learning process your organization will be more professionalized in how to discover the necessary knowledge for strategies, urgency campaigns and dialogues with stakeholders which are necessary for social change. Your organization will be more aware of its own specific position regarding country, culture, environment and organization, as it during this learning process will cooperate with organizations from other European countries and will contribute to a transnational, European understanding of the issues at hand.

What to do now?

  1. Send us a note of interest so we can support you and your management in making an application.
  2. Register formally by filling in the GALE open course registration form, signing and scanning it and sending/mailing it to us.
  3. Make sure your management submits an application on behalf of the organization (deadline 17 March).

Read here into detail how to prepare this.