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Score on the GALE Checklist

ItemForbiddenDiscouragedNo policyEncouragedSupportedNo dataComment
1. Full access to schools? x    no comments
2. Freedom of self expression? x    no comments
3. Protection against bullying?  x   no comments
4. No drop-out?  x   no comments
5. Equal performance?  x   no comments
6. Is there public information? x    no comments
7. Attention in school resources?  x   no comments
8. Resources for LGBT students?  x   no comments
9. Support services open to LGBT?  x   no comments
10. Peer-learning opportunities? x    no comments
11. Is staff supportive?  x   no comments
12. Is staff competent to teach?  x   no comments
13. Is staff competent to support?  x   no comments
14. Supportive school environment?  x   no comments
15. Employment protection for staff?  x   no comments

The score is 27% forbidden (denying), 73% discouraged or no policy (ambiguous), 0% encouraged or supportive (supportive). We score this country therefore as ambiguous.
This report is based on one respondent, who based filled out the checklist in November 2013.

Relevant Conventions

Convention against Discrimination in Educationnot signed signed ratified succession 
Convention on Technical and Vocational Educationnot signedsigned ratified succession 
International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rightsnot signed signed ratifiedsuccession2001
Convention on the Elimination of Discrimination Against Womennot signed signed ratifiedsuccession1980
Convention on the Rights of the Childnot signed signed ratifiedsuccession1992

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This page was last updated on 3 July 2017