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Relevant Conventions

Convention against Discrimination in Educationnot signed signed ratifiedsuccession
Convention on Technical and Vocational Educationnot signedsigned ratified succession
International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rightsnot signed signed ratifiedsuccession
Convention on the Rights of the Childnot signed signed ratifiedsuccession
Convention on the Elimination of Discrimination Against Womennot signed signed ratifiedsuccession

Links to interesting articles

  1. Nigerian student advises to challenge neo-colonial homophobia in universities (July 2017)
  2. The Sexual Minority And Legislative Zealotry (Article by Wole Soyinka, speaking out against the SSM bill in the Nigerian Guardian, December 2012).
  3. The Global Gay Rights Battlefields (Article on Nigerian religious leaders coming together around a the issue of the persecution of homosexuals, by Max Strasser in, December 2010).
  4. Y2N Research report on same gender marriage in Eastern Nigeria (July 2010).


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This page was last updated on 18 July 2017