Juventas research showed high level of homophobia among young people in Montenegro

In the light of recent events, when we had the opportunity to assure ourselves even more in the validity of claims that homophobia manages not only Montenegrin citizens attitudes, but actions as well, Juventas reminds wide, especially professional public of the influence that this negative phenomenon has on young people in our country.

Namely, research that Juventas implemented in 32 high schools in Montenegro showed that:

46% of students interviewed thinks that homosexuality is a disease
45.92% of students interviewed dont agree with the claim that homosexuals have the right to express their sexual orientation
35.36% of students interviewed think that the state should work on repelling of homosexuality, 22.99% do not agree, but are also not against this claim and 25.25% of students feel strongly against.
The research has done in November 2011 on a representative sample out of 3593 students in three high school grades in Montenegro and it hasnt been presented so far. Students interviewed came from Gymnasiums and high vocational schools.

These attitudes, especially if presented in a safe school environment, and directed towards people of different sexual orientation or/and gender identity can have powerful influence on emotional and social wellbeing of LGBT students, but their physical health as well.

The research is also indicative of the necessity for activities among high school students directed towards designing and inclusion of expanded curricula related to sexual identity, sexual orientation, gender identity on all education levels, implementation of additional researches on young peoples attitudes, implementation of education among teachers, creation and distribution of informational and educational material for students and teachers. Activities mentioned are recognized in the draft of the Strategy of fight against homophobia and transphobia.

Previous research done among general population in Montenegro, implemented in July 2010, showed that most people interviewed wouldnt object if more information on sexual orientation and gender identity would be given in schools.

This year JUVENTAS campaign for fight against homophobia and transphobia Live your life emphasizes that every day is day of fight against homophobia and transphobia.

The campaign is an activity done within the framework of project Health and rights funded by Global fund for fight against AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria throughout the UNDP office in Montenegro.

(By Danijel Kalezi, project coordinator Juventas)