
The GALE Right to Education Monitor still has to be done in Guyana.
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Score on the GALE Checklist

ItemForbiddenDiscouragedNo policyEncouragedSupportedNo dataComment
1. Full access to schools?  x   no comments
2. Freedom of self expression? x    no comments
3. Protection against bullying?    x Guyana's Ministry of Education has a No Bullying policy which encompasses all students. However, it is not adhered to since LGBT students is highly discriminated against and harassed in schools.
4. No drop-out?    x Many students are unable to cope with the harassment meeted out at the hands of their fellow students and some teachers. Due to the lack of institutional support too many leave school early.
5. Equal performance?   x  Due to the psychological and emotional pressures LGBTI students face, many find it difficult to perform at optimum level.
6. Is there public information? x    no comments
7. Attention in school resources?x     The Ministry of Education implements a programme in high schools, Grades 7-9, focused on Healthy Family Life Education. Sexual and Sexuality Education is one component of this programme. However, Sexuality issues are covered from a heterosexual perspective. As such, no proper support systems are in place for LGBTI students to help them (better) understand themselves and competently deal with their issues effectively.
8. Resources for LGBT students? x    no comments
9. Support services open to LGBT? x    no comments
10. Peer-learning opportunities?x     no comments
11. Is staff supportive?  x   no comments
12. Is staff competent to teach?  x   Sexual Diversity is a topic not encouraged in schools. As shared earlier the Healthy Family Life Education programme targets sexuality issues from a heterosexual perspective. Many teachers are governed by cultural and religious beliefs, which discourage homosexuality and gender identity choices. As such, this topic is not covered or addressed in schools.
13. Is staff competent to support?  x   Teachers who are trained are equipped with the basic skills for providing psychosocial support to students. However, many are not equipped with the necessary skills to effectively help DESPOGI students, and some refuse to owing to their beliefs and conditioning.
14. Supportive school environment? x    Both Students and teachers contribute to the harassment and discrimination faced by DESPOGI students. As such, the environment is not supportive.
15. Employment protection for staff? x    There are no clear employment policies as it relates to DESPOGI staff. However, SASOD has received reports from LGBT teachers that they are highly discriminated against by their peers, students and parents. They are viewed as predators and are forced out of the education system because of the orientation or gender identity.

The score is 53% forbidden (denying), 27% discouraged or no policy (ambiguous), 20% encouraged or supportive (supportive). We score this country therefore as denying.
This report is based on one respondent, who based the results on the Guyana report on education 2012.

Relevant Conventions

Convention against Discrimination in Educationnot signed




Convention on Technical and Vocational Educationnot signed




International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights

not signed




Convention on the Rights of the Child

not signed




Convention on the Elimination of Discrimination Against Women

not signed




Links to interesting articles

  1. Civic groups urge greater child protection (March 2013)
  2. Community Conversation on Males and Gender Violence in Guyana (Guyana, December 2010, Community Conversation on Males and Gender Violence in Guyana and the concept of Gender Justice).


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This page was last updated on 8 March 2013.